Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sick Baby

Oh, baby boy. Where do I begin with you? Not only are you happy all the time, but it seems as if you are sick all the time as well. But that doesn't get you down. You're still a smiley baby.

It was heartbreaking listening to you cough and choke and gag while you were trying to sleep last night. As a mama, I felt helpless. There was nothing I could do to make it all better for you. Eventually, the cough did subside you and were able to sleep somewhat peacefully.

Today's highlights:
  • You wanted mommy. You were screaming and crying for about 20 minutes. Nothing would calm you down... until mommy held you. All you wanted was mommy time, apparently. I was definitely okay with that.
  • You ate all your bottles at daycare! It's been about a week since you've finished all three bottles because you've been so sick. Good job, little man!
  • You had a bath for the first time in what feels like two (or more) weeks. Yes I know, BAD MOMMY. I need to bathe you much more often. You smelled so fresh and clean. And I'm sure it made you feel better too.
And tomorrow is a new day. A day that we get to spend together because mommy doesn't work. Your big sis will be here too, of course. Can't wait :)

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